by Jeff Price | Dec 29, 2020 | Uncategorized
It’s official. Generation Z now stands for Generation Zoom. For nine months, we’ve talked online, taught online, and trained online. But is anybody learning anything, or are we just marking time? I recently conducted a very comprehensive straw poll. I...
by Jeff Price | Dec 25, 2020 | Uncategorized
A quick briefing on the situation in Nashville. Domestic versus international terrorism. – December 25, 2020
by Jeff Price | Dec 9, 2020 | Aviation Career, Commercial Aviation Airport Security, Current Affairs
A message from Jeffrey Price, professor MSU Denver and owner of Leading Edge Strategies, an aviation security and airport management training and consulting firm, shares a special message of hope to the 2020 graduating class of aviation and aerospace science. To the...
by Jeff Price | Nov 18, 2020 | 6 Minutes of Aviation Safety and Security
On this episode, Jeff discusses imagining the unimaginable. As the airline industry rebounds after the pandemic, what will the industry look like? Tune in for this and more! Transcript – Plus Bonus content! Imagine the Unimaginable The key to overcoming...
by Jeff Price | Oct 25, 2020 | Uncategorized
History is repeating itself, but the future will be worse than we ever imagined. Some people believe the divisions in our country are so great, the results of the next election may lead to the next American Civil War. I don’t know what will happen after this...
by Jeff Price | Sep 11, 2020 | Are We Safer, Crime and Terrorism, Current Affairs, Passenger and Baggage Screening
Is this real life? Or is it just dystopia? When 9/11 happened, most of us couldn’t comprehend such a tragedy. Now, 19 years later, most of us live our pandemic lives every day, still unable to comprehend such a tragedy. Just how different are the two disasters...
by Jeff Price | Aug 25, 2020 | Commercial Aviation Airport Security, Current Affairs, Existing and Emerging Threats, Passenger and Baggage Screening, Personal Safety
“Should or should we not, follow the advice of the galactically stupid?” Tom Cruise as Lieutenant Daniel Kaffee in ‘A Few Good Men.’ Since Congress is going back anyway, let’s ask them to take a few minutes and kill the Healthy Skies Act,...
by Jeff Price | Jun 26, 2020 | Uncategorized
On this episode of a Few Good Minutes of Aviation Safety and Security, Jeff Price introduces a new format coming with shorter more focused segments. In this episode, Jeff discusses the US being back in space and the innovation that can arise. He also talks about...
by Jeff Price | May 27, 2020 | 6 Minutes of Aviation Safety and Security
A combination of humor, serious news, and expert perspectives on vital aviation safety and security issues, from author, professor, and trainer, Jeffrey C. Price. In this episode, should TSA take passengers’ temperatures, airlines pull out of smaller airports...
by Jeff Price | May 13, 2020 | 6 Minutes of Aviation Safety and Security
Transcript: Welcome to 6 Minutes in Aviation Security. I am Jeff Price. Let’s see what is making news this week. Metropolitan State University of Denver’s Ryan Breznau, a 2005 graduate of the school’s aviation program and a long time pilot for Delta Airlines hosted an...