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AAAE Ground Transportation/Terminal Ops Virtual Training
This course addresses the crucial but often neglected area of landside airport management, which includes ground transportation, parking, and intermodal connections. It provides valuable insights on how to effectively design, manage, and maintain these operations, emphasizing their potential to generate significant revenue for airports. By attending, you’ll gain the expertise to become a successful landside manager, navigate the complexities of TNCs, and strategically prepare for the future of ground transportation.
Location: Virtual, Live Online
Dates: TBD

Airport Certified Employee Programs (ACE) through AAAE
Aviation security expert, Jeff Price, C.M., leads this extensive curriculum of ACE Security which is based on 49 Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) – 1500 Series: TSA Regulations and the ICAO Annex 17. This Course not only meets the TSA 1542.3 requirements for Airport Security Coordinators (ASC)* and alternate ASC’s, but also builds upon the existing working security knowledge of aviation professionals.
Our recently updated modules were expanded to provide:
- new content on public area security, cybersecurity, and drone operations;
- updates on layered security, threats to aviation, international and domestic terrorism, and airport and other agency countermeasures;
- simplified explanations of aircraft operator security programs, particularly charter operations on general aviation airports; and more!
*Attendees of the ACE Security Review Course will also earn the ASC certificate.

On Demand – Click here to learn more and register!
Other Aviation Security and Airport Management Courses By Jeff Through AAAE
How To Pass the AAAE Certified Member (CM) or Airport Certified Employee (ACE) Exams (VIDEO)
Airport Security Coordinator (ASC)Training School – AAAE – On Demand

Brush up on important tools that make an airport function safely and efficiently by attending this course. Learn the latest requirements outlined in TSR Part 1542, including:
- TSA organizational structure and responsibilities
- TSA rule making, policy and guidance
- SIDA, access control issues, perimeter intrusion and biometrics
- Requirements of an airport security program
- Law Enforcement Operations, Contingency Plans and Incident Management
- Emergency preparedness and incident command
- Criminal History Records Check (CHRC) and the Transportation Security Clearinghouse (TSC)
- Terrorist-related issues
*Title 49 CFR Part 1542 requires that an Airport Security Coordinator and a designated alternate attend ASC training (TSR 1542.3). Breakfast, lunch and two refreshment meals are included in the meeting registration.
On Demand – Click here to learn more and register.

Virtual Training Room
Airfield Terminal Security: Understanding Inspection and Compliance Measures
This course provides both operations and security personnel the necessary information and perspectives on the basics of securing a public-use airport.
Incident Report Writing Virtual Workshop – AAAE – VIRTUAL

Private sessions are available. Visit our Services page for more information.
See Jeff Price’s full bio
It was an honor to go through this process and earn the designation with such a great group of industry professionals. Jeffrey C Price, MA, CM, CPP did an amazing job delivering the material…R. Collins, C.M., ACE
Last Monday-Friday, I attended the Loretta Scott Training for my CM… If you are on the fence about this training or the CM program then I would like to encourage you to make the decision to do this. Our instructor, Jeffrey C Price, MA, CM, CPP was a difference maker for me in being able to learn and retain this amount of information. I went in with extremely limited knowledge related to any of the areas of operations outside of my own (Marketing/PR), but was able to follow and learn because of Jeff’s teaching style and interaction with us in class. Of all of the conferences and industry events that I have attended in both aviation and outside of this field, I can 100% assure you that this class was the best use of my time and money that I have ever experienced. The things I learned are going back to my airport with me and making a difference. I encourage you to attend and to send your Marketing / PR people if they haven’t attended. Thank you to AAAE and to Jeff for providing this outstanding program. #AirportTraining #AAAE” – J. Kuner, C.M.
“…it’s obvious (that Jeff) has been doing this awhile and has a passion for teaching, and finding effective ways to prepare students. While there was an incredible amount of information crammed into a week’s time, the way the program/class was designed, presented and organized, and the methods Jeff used and encouraged us to utilize to prepare for the exam, were a huge help. It was one of the better classes I have taken, and one that I actually enjoyed – which makes learning that much easier.” – Brian L. Wayne County Airport Authority
“Thanks so much for your efforts this past semester…the CM exam was tough but thanks to your masterful “leading edge” teaching strategies, and wonderful way of making complex concepts easy to understand, I am now an AAAE A.M.!
I have to be honest, the test was very tough, and I had some doubt if I was successful, especially after falling four points short twice! You can imagine my surprise when I saw my score of 86.67! You helped me gain a plus 20 points!!!!
Thanks again, and please feel free to share this testimonial with anyone whom you feel may be encouraged!” – Lou S. Department of Aviation, Farmingdale State College