by Jeff Price | Jul 7, 2013 | 50 Books in 50 Weeks, Brain Matter, Life & Career Success
Former Apple CEO Steve Jobs once said, ““Good Artists Copy, Great Artists Steal.” Turns out great artists also hang out together and steal from each other. So here’s a simple question, why do people who want to be actors or actresses go off to...
by Jeff Price | Jul 2, 2013 | Aviation Security, Introduction to Screening
You may be noticing more canines in the screening checkpoint these days. This is part of TSA’s risk-based security strategy and is known as managed inclusion. Taking of advantage of airports with pre-check managed inclusion takes randomly selected passengers...
by Jeff Price | Jul 2, 2013 | 50 Books in 50 Weeks, Brain Matter, Life & Career Success
Where does our creativity come from? We know its somewhere inside our brain but how do we access it? Wouldn’t it be great if we could just turn on a switch and be creative? Sort of a creativity on command? I love the song “Imagine,” by the late John...
by Jeff Price | Jul 1, 2013 | Life & Career Success
Learning how to control your emotions and not letting your emotions rule you is a key to playing (or performing) in the zone (Cohn 67). Players of all levels experience pressure and anxiety but how the person deals with that separates the champion from the choker...
by Jeff Price | Jul 1, 2013 | Aviation Security, Current Affairs
I have been asked about a new movie is coming out about TWA 800, the flight that crashed off the coast of Long Island on July 17, 1996. Conspiracy theorists have long speculated that the aircraft was downed by a surface-to-air missile, instead of the NTSB explanation...
by Jeff Price | Jun 29, 2013 | Life & Career Success
Many times when people are not playing well, they begin to stress over it, and in some cases, in an effort to fix the problem, they resort to practicing on the course. In some cases, the swing is only slightly off, maybe slight pull to the left or a gentle fade to the...
by Jeff Price | Jun 27, 2013 | Life & Career Success
We all have peak states. In fact, we have a few. We have moments of complete love, like when we see our kids after a long time away from them, or experience peak emotional states when we see a touching movie or hear an old song. We also have peaks of ecstasy (do I...
by Jeff Price | Jun 26, 2013 | Life & Career Success
Maybe you’re not into golf, but the lessons of being a peak performer can translate to success in numerous areas of our lives. I was introduced to golf at an early age and it has given me camaraderie, mental acuity and focus, friendships, a relaxing hobby and in...
by Jeff Price | Jun 24, 2013 | 50 Books in 50 Weeks, Basic Success Principles, Life & Career Success
So when I was in college and working at Target in the “Sound and Photo,” department, I was, for a short period of time, a Fred. It can happy and when it does, being a Fred is like being a magician. You can change someone’s day or even their future...
by Jeff Price | Jun 21, 2013 | 50 Books in 50 Weeks, Basic Success Principles, Life & Career Success
I love books and bookstores. Growing up an only child there obviously wasn’t a sibling around so books became my closest companions. They were always available and never let me down. So naturally, I love bookstores. My local Barnes and Noble is my hangout and...