by Jeff Price | Jan 5, 2016 | Aviation Security
It’s 2016 and have you set your New Year’s Resolutions yet? Not the ones you’ll forget about in two weeks, but the ones that will make your airport, your airline, your facility, yourself, a hard target when it comes to terrorist and criminal threats....
by Jeff Price | Jan 1, 2016 | Aviation Career, Life & Career Success
Practical Goal Setting for 2016, Part 5 Step 3: Prepare for the Journey and Execute! New Year’s is the time when most people set goals. . . and when most people stop pursuing goals. Some of us make it a few days, or weeks, while some people have given up before...
by Jeff Price | Dec 30, 2015 | Aviation Career, Life & Career Success
Practical Goal Setting for 2016, Part 4 Step 2: figure out what you REALLY want, and why. If you’ve followed the goal setting steps thus far, you should have a pretty good-sized list of stuff you want, things you want to accomplish, the kind of person you want to be,...
by Jeff Price | Dec 29, 2015 | Aviation Career, Life & Career Success
It’s time to take step 1: figure out what you want. Some of you will find this very easy because you’re the sort whose always known where you’re going, while others aren’t sure which path to take. If you’re not sure where you’re going, or where you want to go, just...
by Jeff Price | Dec 28, 2015 | Aviation Career, Life & Career Success
Goal setting can be overwhelming. Once we’re done writing down everything we want to do, become, see, and have in our lives, we are left with a prodigious to-do list and don’t even know where to start. There are a variety of books, apps and processes that are...
by Jeff Price | Dec 27, 2015 | Aviation Career, Life & Career Success
As we approach the New Year many of us began the process of goal setting for the next year. Unfortunately, within about the first two weeks the vast majority of people who have set goals, will have either forgotten about them or allow them to be pushed aside by other...
by Jeff Price | Dec 23, 2015 | Aviation Security
Operations were disrupted at the Minneapolis-St. Paul International Airport, when activists from Black Lives Matter were able to shut down at least one terminal at the airport, for a period of time, and caused traffic jams for inbound travelers. Other airport...
by Jeff Price | Dec 21, 2015 | AAAE, Aviation Career, Aviation Security, Commercial Aviation Airport Security, Existing and Emerging Threats, Policies and Procedures
Many who attended this year’s Aviation Security Summit were disappointed that industry leadership unfortunately did not get the opportunity to meet with the new TSA administrator, Peter Neffenger. According to his representatives, he has had a heavy travel schedule...
by Jeff Price | Dec 15, 2015 | Aviation Security, Crime and Terrorism, General Aviation Airport Security
The premiere of the seventh and likely the most highly anticipated installment of the Star Wars films, is bringing the fans and their costumes out in droves, but may also attract the wrong element. While I hate to be the guy that tosses a metaphorical wet blanket on...
by Jeff Price | Nov 24, 2015 | Aviation Security
The US State Department today issued a worldwide travel alert in effect until February 24, 2016. The alert was issued because authorities believe the likelihood of terrorist attacks will continue, and that terrorists will employ both conventional and nonconventional...