Gerardo Hernandez Airport Security Act

The challenge with aviation security in the past several years is it’s tendency to become a huge game of whack-a-mole. Every time one threat is identified, we turn all our resources to hitting that one, then another one pops up. What we need are comprehensive...

Dear Admiral Neffenger, Part V

Part 5 of 5 in a series on fixing aviation security. Dear Admiral Neffenger, TSA needs to embrace SeMS – Security Management Systems. SeMS is already up and running through IATA and ICAO. Here in that States, the FAA has been dragging its feet on SMS (Safety...

Dear Admiral Neffenger, Part IV

Part 4 in a series of 5, on fixing aviation security. Dear Admiral Neffenger, We need to get the word out to the police and airport security community on the real threats, so we can focus our limited time, resources and money on the actual threats. I heard a Sheriff...

What should we do about TSA?

Several recent leaks to the media about TSA shortcomings have called into question whether TSA is effective at doing its job, and to a larger extent whether the aviation industry is actually secure. The big question is: what should be done about TSA? The question is...
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