by Jeff Price | Aug 13, 2013 | Life & Career Success, Parenting
As I was preparing to write this post tonight I was also getting the kids to bed when I was confronted by the frightening image you see posted here. This is a boy. A boy wants to be a force to reckon with and if that means wearing a Sith Lord mask, a Hulk fist while...
by Jeff Price | Aug 6, 2013 | 50 Books in 50 Weeks, Basic Success Principles, Life & Career Success
As anyone who is ever read any of Spencer Johnson’s work knows that whatever the topic of the book is is not literally what it’s about. It is always a metaphor for a mental change that you need to make. Peaks and Valleys: Making Good and Bad times Work for...
by Jeff Price | Aug 4, 2013 | Life & Career Success, Parenting
As kids get older, the National Bank of Dad dynamic will likely change. Kids will want more money for more stuff and for more expensive stuff. Plus, they will be old enough to have their own actual bank account, and usually by the time they are 12 they are asking for...
by Jeff Price | Aug 2, 2013 | Life & Career Success, Parenting
Part of teaching our kids financial intelligence is letting them make mistakes and live with the consequences of their decisions. We have to do this as adults (unless you’re a politician, then you can blame someone else), so our kids should learn it as well and...
by Jeff Price | Aug 1, 2013 | Life & Career Success, Parenting
It doesn’t really take kids that long to grasp the concept of money. They see you pull money out to buy things and quickly figure out that your money can buy things for them. But for the National Bank of Dad (or mom and dad, or mom, or whatever) to work, your...
by Jeff Price | Jul 31, 2013 | Life & Career Success, Parenting
When I was in high school, I thought money was what you needed to be cool, to get the hot car, to get the hot chicks. I even had a personal experience that taught me this lesson. One day while walking to school, one of the neighbor teens came driving by in his brand...
by Jeff Price | Jul 28, 2013 | Life & Career Success, Personal Safety
“Look me in the eye and tell me that!” While it’s been said that the eyes are the window to the soul, you can’t always trust them to let you know if the other person is lying. In fact this whole tone puts people on the defensive. In most of the...
by Jeff Price | Jul 28, 2013 | Life & Career Success, Personal Safety
People lie because the facts are not on their side. So when they say things like, “basically,” or other qualifying words, or terms like, “when the truth comes out,” they are doing everything they can to avoid the actual truth from coming out....
by Jeff Price | Jul 25, 2013 | Life & Career Success, Personal Safety
In a scene from one of my generation’s favorite movies, The Breakfast Club, Molly Ringwald’s character, Claire, is harangued by her fellow students about whether she’s ever had sex. Not wanting to admit the truth she classically avoids the question:...
by Jeff Price | Jul 24, 2013 | Life & Career Success, Personal Safety
Several years ago the art of reading body language and attempting to detect deception through nonverbal cues started to become popular. I recall ago when I was in England researching Practical Aviation Security, I was at a bookstore in Greenwich (okay no research went...