by Jeff Price | Apr 12, 2013 | 50 Books in 50 Weeks, Basic Success Principles, Life & Career Success
“Do not wait. The time will never be just right. Start where you stand: work with whatever tools you have at your command, and the better tools will be found as you go along,” Napoleon Hill (as quoted by Brian Tracy in Flight Plan: How to Achieve More,...
by Jeff Price | Apr 11, 2013 | 50 Books in 50 Weeks, Basic Success Principles, Life & Career Success
When US Airways 1549 was forced to ditch in the Hudson River, there were quite a few people who were very happy that the Captain had some grey on the sidewalls and that he’d also been a glider pilot. There’s something to be said for experience. According...
by Jeff Price | Apr 10, 2013 | Aviation Security, Uncategorized
TSA announced a pending Airport Security Program amendment that intends to require airports to staff sterile area exit lanes, by the end of this year. This has been a sore spot for airport operators for many years, as pre 9/11, exit lane protection was the...
by Jeff Price | Apr 9, 2013 | 50 Books in 50 Weeks, Basic Success Principles, Life & Career Success
In 18 years of teaching Aviation Job Targeting at MSU-Denver, the one consistent theme that I’ve stressed to all of my classes, is if you want to get a job, you need to demonstrate how you can add value. Brian Tracy echoes this statement in his book, Flight...
by Jeff Price | Apr 5, 2013 | Life & Career Success
With the stellar success of the special operations forces in Iraq and Afghanistan it stands to reason that the politicians will decide that the solution to all problems is to simply make more of them. However, politicians rarely believe in the law of the harvest. It...
by Jeff Price | Apr 4, 2013 | Life & Career Success
Ever notice that here in the United States, we pride ourselves on how we work ourselves to the bone? While people will tell you not to work on your vacation, we all know that they’re secretly impressed that you do, and in many cases, you’re expected to....
by Jeff Price | Apr 3, 2013 | Life & Career Success
I don’t know if many men, or women think about this from time to time, but I’m sure that people who are in the military, or in high risk professions, or are just away from home a lot, do – we think about the lessons we want to pass on to our kids if...
by Jeff Price | Apr 2, 2013 | Life & Career Success
There is a great line in the movie Act of Valor when the SEALs are being chased by the bad guys and they find out that they are unable to go to any of their back up rally points to meet the rescue boats. One of the SEALs then tells the guys driving the truck that...
by Jeff Price | Apr 1, 2013 | Life & Career Success
Anyone who even remotely knows me, knows that I love books about our nation’s special operations community. These are the front line personnel who are at the top of their game. Second place doesn’t enter their vocabulary and they are always striving to...
by Jeff Price | Mar 31, 2013 | 50 Books in 50 Weeks, Brain Matter, Life & Career Success
I love movies. One of my favorites is the original Karate Kid series (okay, not Karate Kid II so much but the first and third ones were cool). There is a great line in KK III, where the bad guy “Terry Silver,” (portrayed by Thomas Ian Griffith), tells the...