by Jeff Price | Jan 10, 2014 | 50 Books in 50 Weeks, Basic Success Principles, Life & Career Success
There are those people who want more out of life. There are those who want to be challenged. There are those who want to see if they can lead others. Then there are those are satisfied with their current station and quite happy there, and that’s okay too. We all...
by Jeff Price | Jan 9, 2014 | 50 Books in 50 Weeks, Basic Success Principles, Life & Career Success
Be prepared. Okay, we have heard this over and over and over again. But, what should you be prepared for? The first step to success is to plan ahead. Preparation is simple but it does take time and effort. (Ermey 44). To be squared away is to be prepared. But again,...
by Jeff Price | Jan 4, 2014 | Life & Career Success, Mastery
Something that has always struck me about all of the management texts and gurus is a sort of a general assumption that all people have a willingness to actually succeed and they can all be motivated to succeed. This is not the case. Particularly in the public sector...
by Jeff Price | Jan 2, 2014 | Life & Career Success, Mastery
Most of us are familiar with the book, Don’t Sweat the Small Stuff by Richard Carlson. It’s gotten a bad rap in some respects because to be successful we know that you have to sweat the small stuff – for want of a nail a war was lost sort of thing....
by Jeff Price | Dec 30, 2013 | Life & Career Success, Mastery
Astronaut Chris Hadfield had the unique ability to be a test pilot, which means putting yourself in an advanced fighter jet at high-altitude, then deliberately putting it out of control while figuring out how to recover as it falls to Earth (Hadfield 13). But hey, you...
by Jeff Price | Dec 29, 2013 | Are We Safer, Aviation Security
Shortly after 9/11 a 16-year-old boy took a Cessna 172 and flew it into the side of the Bank of America building in Tampa, Florida. Since it was only six months since the terrorist attacks, the hue and cry went up from the largely uneducated (on aviation) public,...
by Jeff Price | Dec 29, 2013 | Life & Career Success, Mastery
Like many kids when I was growing up I wanted to be an astronaut. I probably took it a few steps further – I really got into astronomy, dragging my dad out of bed at 2am to with the telescope so I could see Venus rising next to the moon in the night sky or...
by Jeff Price | Dec 23, 2013 | Learning from Celebrities, Life & Career Success
One of the things that many children fear is their parents getting a divorce. Very young children really don’t understand quite yet, they will be raised into a blended family environment that they think is normal. But it is the kids after they turn about 4 or 5,...
by Jeff Price | Dec 22, 2013 | Aviation Security, Commercial Aviation Aircraft Operator Security, Crime and Terrorism
I missed an important anniversary yesterday – the 25th anniversary of the bombing of Pan Am Flight 103 over Lockerbie, Scotland. The bombing was eventually linked back to the country of Libya, who used operatives working for Libyan Airlines, based in...
by Jeff Price | Dec 21, 2013 | Learning from Celebrities, Life & Career Success
One of the most surprising revelations I’ve had this year in reading all of the books is not just the importance of family, but the importance of a family history. It seems that people, kids in particular, develop more resiliency and are better able to handle...