The Trident

Of all the books I’ve read in this series it’s author Jason Redman and John R. Bruning’s, The Trident: The Forging and Reforging of a Navy SEAL leader, that I identified with the most. I’m not saying that I would ever be able to do what he did....

The New Jesus

Something that has always struck me about all of the management texts and gurus is a sort of a general assumption that all people have a willingness to actually succeed and they can all be motivated to succeed. This is not the case. Particularly in the public sector...

The only thing you actually control

Astronaut Chris Hadfield had the unique ability to be a test pilot, which means putting yourself in an advanced fighter jet at high-altitude, then deliberately putting it out of control while figuring out how to recover as it falls to Earth (Hadfield 13). But hey, you...

Astronaut’s Guide to Success

Like many kids when I was growing up I wanted to be an astronaut. I probably took it a few steps further – I really got into astronomy, dragging my dad out of bed at 2am to with the telescope so I could see Venus rising next to the moon in the night sky or...