by Jeff Price | Sep 25, 2014 | Aviation Security, Crime and Terrorism, Current Affairs
As part of the airstrikes into Syria against ISIL the United States also decided to hit some old Al Qaeda friends – apparently these folks were planning to put bombs in electronic devices and smuggle them onto airplanes. Here’s the story along with a short...
by Jeff Price | Sep 10, 2014 | Aviation Security, Crime and Terrorism, Current Affairs
A recent report in USA Today heightened awareness of the possible theft and use of commercial airliners to attack the United States or other targets. This was followed up with another incident of a general aviation aircraft owned by Larry Glazer, who is prominent in...
by Jeff Price | Jul 25, 2014 | Aviation Security, Current Affairs
Of all the tragedies in a war, the most unfortunate is the loss of innocent lives. We see the human drama played out nightly in the conflicts between Russian separatists in the Ukraine, and elements of Hamas and the Israeli Defense Forces in the Gaza Strip, not to...
by Jeff Price | Jul 8, 2014 | Air Cargo, Aviation Security, Crime and Terrorism, Current Affairs, Existing and Emerging Threats
The Department of Homeland Security recently announced that they would require travelers from foreign airports with direct flights to the United States to possibly turn on their cell phones, tablets and laptops in order to prove they are functional and not concealing...
by Jeff Price | Apr 21, 2014 | Aviation Security, Commercial Aviation Airport Security, Current Affairs
The recent report of an individual stowing away aboard a Hawaiian Airlines flight from San Jose to Maui again brings forth the question of perimeter security at airports. A couple of years ago with the infamous jet skier at John F. Kennedy Airport along with a few...
by Jeff Price | Apr 14, 2014 | Aviation Security, Commercial Aviation Airport Security, Current Affairs
Are you paying too much for Airport Security measures? According to a recent study, yes. But, before you take a gigantic ax to your next years annual security budget, consider what the study assessed, and more importantly, what it didn’t. The study was published...