by Jeff Price | Aug 8, 2010 | Aviation Security, Current Affairs, Existing and Emerging Threats, Uncategorized
Recently, the NTSB released the report on Continental Airlines 1404 that went off the runway at Denver International Airport in December of 2008, due to crosswinds. The NTSB stated that the Captain did not hold proper crosswind correction on the rudder. While this...
by Jeff Price | Jun 25, 2010 | Aviation Security, Current Affairs
Whenever there is an act of air terrorism, the FBI is the lead agency. This has been a source of conflict since the creation of the TSA, which many assume is the lead agency responsible for all aviation security issues. That issue may be coming to a close now that the...
by Jeff Price | Apr 25, 2010 | Aviation Security, Current Affairs, General Aviation Aircraft Operator Security
There seems to be a bad taste in the public’s mouth anytime someone decides to keep something secret or private. While not condoning the behavior of Tiger Woods or the rest of his ilk (I’m talking about cheaters, not professional golfers here), I’m...
by Jeff Price | Apr 8, 2010 | Aviation Security, Christmas Day Bomber, Crime and Terrorism, Current Affairs, Existing and Emerging Threats
Keeping in mind that the news reports are still coming in, let’s talk about what we know so far about the smokes-on-a-plane story developing at Denver International Airport. From what has been reported it appears that a Qatari man, possibly a diplomat, was...
by Jeff Price | Mar 11, 2010 | Aviation Security, Current Affairs, Existing and Emerging Threats
As reported in USAToday, we now have American citizens actively engaged in the Jihad cause. This is not completely new as we have had others, like John Walker Lindh, the so-called American Taliban, who was caught shortly after 9/11 in Afghanistan, but what is new is...
by Jeff Price | Mar 9, 2010 | Aviation Security, Current Affairs
In the aftermath of the attempt to get Erroll Southers confirmed President Obama has finally selected another person to head the TSA, Robert Harding. I must admit, I do now know very much about Mr. Harding nor does anyone else in the aviation community. Certainly not...