by Jeff Price | Nov 4, 2010 | Aviation Security, Commercial Aviation Aircraft Operator Security, Crime and Terrorism, Current Affairs, Existing and Emerging Threats, Introduction to Screening, Passenger and Baggage Screening
If you’re not aware of the ramifications of TSA’s new pat-down policy, click here. If the link is still active, what you likely saw was a TSA screener appearing to conduct a pat down search of a a small boy. Yea, I know it looks like he’s feeling him...
by Jeff Price | Nov 1, 2010 | Air Cargo, Aviation Security, Crime and Terrorism, Current Affairs, Existing and Emerging Threats, Passenger and Baggage Screening
The recent attempt to either bring down aircraft using air cargo, or mail letter bombs via air cargo (we’re still not sure but I’ll go with the Brits on this and agree it was likely an attempt to bring down a plane) has shed light on a little known part of...
by Jeff Price | Oct 29, 2010 | Air Cargo, Aviation Security, Crime and Terrorism, Current Affairs, Existing and Emerging Threats
The jury is still out on the air cargo threat that has been the talk of the news outlets today. We still do not know if this is an aviation specific threat or test of the security system, or a mail bomb with a specific delivery address in mind. It could also be a...
by Jeff Price | Oct 29, 2010 | Aviation Security, Commercial Aviation Airport Security, Crime and Terrorism, Current Affairs
Napolitano calls on local police to become first preventers The threat lives among us. That was the message from Secretary of the U.S. Department of Homeland Security, Janet Napolitano to a Denver audience on October 28th. Napolitano was the featured speaker, in an...
by Jeff Price | Aug 31, 2010 | Aviation Security, Christmas Day Bomber, Commercial Aviation Aircraft Operator Security, Crime and Terrorism, Current Affairs, Existing and Emerging Threats, Passenger and Baggage Screening
Remember when the Emergency Broadcast System would do those tests on TV? They still do from time to time, but without the threat of being annihilated by Soviet ballistic missiles, we don’t seem then much anymore. However, terrorists and bad guys continue to...
by Jeff Price | Aug 15, 2010 | Aviation Security, Commercial Aviation Aircraft Operator Security, Commercial Aviation Airport Security, Crime and Terrorism, Current Affairs, Existing and Emerging Threats
It seems that everyone has been quick to play down the journey of three underage travelers who decided on their own to fly from Florida to Tennessee (click here for article). Aviation experts, the airlines and TSA have all said that protocols were not violated. And,...