by Jeff Price | Jul 7, 2011 | Aviation Security, Commercial Aviation Aircraft Operator Security, Crime and Terrorism, Existing and Emerging Threats
The latest threat to aviation security now appears to be bombs that are implanted or inserted inside the bomber. Whose to say the next buxom blonde at the checkpoint, isn’t packing bosoms that go boom? Well, let’s look at a few key points. Click here for...
by Jeff Price | Jun 28, 2011 | Aviation Security, Commercial Aviation Airport Security, Current Affairs
I’m sure everyone has now heard about the TSA requiring a 95-year-old woman to remove her diaper as part of a pat-down at a screening checkpoint. Frequent readers of this blog may expect me to talk about profiling or the use of K-9’s instead of this...
by Jeff Price | May 24, 2011 | Aviation Security, Current Affairs, Passenger and Baggage Screening, Policies and Procedures
It’s always good to see the folks from TSA headquarters and find out the latest and greatest. Last week they were at the American Association of Airport Executives Annual Conference, in Atlanta. Several of the usual suspects were on hand, along with, at one...
by Jeff Price | May 6, 2011 | Aviation Security, Crime and Terrorism, Current Affairs, Existing and Emerging Threats
I was at my usual Starbucks stop this morning and took my usual stroll through the connected Barnes & Noble to buy a magazine, when the clerk said she saw me on TV the other day, talking about the bin Laden raid. She was worried because she is going to be on a...
by Jeff Price | May 2, 2011 | Aviation Security, Crime and Terrorism, Existing and Emerging Threats
Osama bin Laden is dead. However, despite some comments on certain media outlets, this does not end terrorism. In fact, if anything, we need to be more alert and aware than ever before. While bin Laden was the clear leader of al Qaeda, terrorism is not a new threat,...
by Jeff Price | Apr 15, 2011 | Aviation Security, Commercial Aviation Airport Security, Crime and Terrorism, Current Affairs
I used to work as the assistant security director at Denver International Airport. When I saw the story about the recent sexual assault that took place int the terminal building it reminded me, as it should remind every aviation security practitioner and passenger and...